Friday, December 11, 2015

Back to Basics Picks

Thank God!!! This is probably the worst week of betting the boys DP have ever endured. Back to back to back 1-3 nights, is more embarrassing than Donald Trump mocking disabled reporters. We went back to the basics today, and can hopefully start the weekend without that garbage taste of sour picks in our mouth.

MIA +5 vs IND

Two years ago these teams looked like they would meet in the Eastern Conference Finals for the next fifteen years minimum!! Then LeBron left and Paul George broke his damn leg, and today we are looking at two completely reinvented teams. Won't be as fun as it used to be, but should be a decent game. Gotta take the defensive powerhouse Heat against Paul George and...well Paul George that's why they gave up 78 points in the first half against the Warriors.

GSW -5.5 vs BOS

Finally the public is on my side thinking that this is the night the Warriors finally go down!!! So what does DP do? We zig when others zag!! We go left when you sheep go right!! Of course if you know my record picking Warriors  games this year I would pull out a second mortgage and place it all on Boston because they are guaranteed to win now.

CHA +3 vs MEM

Biggest shocker of the regular season, MJ might actually be a competent owner!! This team is currently second in the East and look like the Charlotte team everyone expected last year, until Lance Stephenson murdered it with his piss poor attitude (and shooting). Memphis is old and slow and still depends on Jeff Green way too much. Nuff said.

OKC -3.5 vs UTA

Durant!! He's back!!! But, tonight will be all Russell Westbrook for no real reason. Lately he's been doing just enough and letting KD do all of the heavy lifting, tonight they do a little role reverse cowgirl and Hustle goes off for 45, 15 and 9 dimes.

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